2020 Vote For Life Extension!
2020 Vote Silvia Stagg For President!

Join USA’s Best Presidential Campaign!
Silvia via Stagg For President Write-In Candidate 2011 – 2036 General Election…until we get there!
Silvia Stagg Is A Proud Supporter of Conservative Republican Donald Trump!
Trump Tower Home, New York
Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister
Join USA’s Best Presidential Campaign!
Silvia via Stagg For President Write-In Candidate 2011 – 2036 General Election…until we get there!

US Presidential Candidate Republican
Write-In Candidate 2012 – 2036…
until we get there!
My Fellow Americans,
Real Hope For Life Extension (w/Age Reversal)!
Silvia Stagg For President REP-IND Write-In Candidate
General Elections 2012 – 2036!
2016’s Two Files State Ballot Access Responses
For Silvia Stagg Write-In Candidate
Silvia Stagg For President Campaign Committee
1545 NW 7th Ave Miami FL 33136 / 305 – 316 – 0127
Emails: silviastaggforpresident@email.com
Internet Websites
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Biography of Silvia Stagg
I am a National Security Victim Witness, and US Presidential Candidate. Since August 4-2011, I am filed with the FEC/Federal Election Commission and the US Office of Government Ethics as your only Life Extension – Most Trusted Programs Candidate accepted by both the Republican and Democratic National Parties as their US Presidential Candidate as a matter of national security!
The term Most Trusted was a name given to me by the United States Department of Justice Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI/Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Robert Mueller after investigating myself, my handwriting and content analysis of my submission to the US Dept of Justice. A designation I am proud of, you can be sure!
While working on my Federal Victim Witness case, the first seventeen years, I applied for Federal Victim Witness Protection for seventeen years, the first seven years, creating and designing what came to be titled: Most Trusted Socioeconomic Infrastructure Programs with Life Extension with Good Gnome’ after my government nickname/codename ‘Most Trusted,’ I became a Church Choir Member and Church Reader for the Catholic Church and Episcopal Church located in Niagara Falls-New York. While I was a Choir Member, I was again Baptized Catholic and Confirmed as a Catholic at Holy Family’s Churches: Lady of Mount Carmel and Saint Joseph on April 3-2010 in preparation of my tortured death punishment for being a good gnome personality (a moral personality with no psychiatric dysfunction). Though, to date, I have been fortunate to survive, primarily due to my loving beloved good gnome, mother, named Marion Haag, a disabled National Section 8 (wheelchair case) illegally evicted from her home of 18 years Baptist in Long Beach-CALF on November 2-2013. And shortly thereafter, kidnapped by the exploitive and heinous mass murderring Mole Network of Los Adult Protective Services subjecting mother to three years of Locked Closed Ward Nursing Facilities, two years at East Terrace Rehabilitation – Country Villa Nursing Facility in Los Angeles, whereby mother was subjected to torture in various forms such as daily harmful injections of unnecessary medication used to treat Parkinson’s Disease and Dementia while being starved to death for one year by East Terrace Rehabilitation Staff some of whom this writer had contact and other hospitals such as Olympia Medical Center, Silverlake Hospital, Promise Hospital Staff some of whom this writer had contact, all forcing mother to use a stomach feeding tube, as the only form of nourishment allowed mother subjected to daily physical and mental torture, brainwashed, denied hygeine assistance and denied dentures, denied a cell phone sent by her daughter as a present to safeguard her life and add enjoyment to her forced isolated life, until mother was shipped off to Olympia Medical Center where mother was gagged and held down and reportedly (per Hillary Clinton, William Jefferson Clinton, Barack Obama, Speaker Paul Ryan, Sen Patrick Leahy, and former Speaker John Boehner) given Five Lethal Injections of Insulin every Five Minutes until dead on her birthday Friday October 14-2016. Life Psychotic, the use of advanced technology to create a Murderous Mole Network to hunt down good people will end only with a good gnome society and government! That is why Hillary Clinton and anyone like her will always be OUTVOTED in the United States of America!
Being a member of the well known Benitez-Rexach family of Puerto Rico, I was born in Brooklyn New York (Kings County) on July 27-1957. I am one quarter German, Polish, Puerto Rican/Spanish and French. For one year each, I lived in Puerto Rico and Mexico as a child. For Five years I was married to the son of a former Consulate General-Charge D’Affairs to Manhattan-New York City from Panama, Juan Antonio Stagg. My mother, graduated Valedictorian from St. Anne’s Parochial High School and unlike her brother completed two years of Business College and became a Businesswoman who owned a garment factory in China Town-Manhattan-New York. During the late 1960s, after selling her Garment Factory, my mother ‘Marion’ was later employed for one year by the FDA/Food and Drug Administration in Washington-DC, while my step-father was a US Secret Service Agent at the White House for Lyndon Baines Johnson. My uncle, my mother’s brother, graduated with honors from Princeton University-New Jersey and retired from the lifelong position of Post Master with the US Postal Services Cherry Hill-New Jersey. My uncle’s first daughter followed in his footsteps graduating from Princeton University with Honors! In 1992, before realizing I was a National Security Victim Witness, I continued developing my Photography-Art Studio, advertising in a fair amount of publications, including Forbes Magazine 2/1993. My business closed down January 1995, forcing me to dedicate myself to fighting against the injustices of Black Ops Technology abuses.
Help me to save our endangered world and our precious and endangered White Christian European Descent Race now facing Race Extinction within One Hundred Years by making me your US President! I require Campaign Funds (US$2,500.00-US $5,000.00) Per Person Each Primary-General Election Campaign Season to Assist my Ballot Access – Televised Debate Access, as the Media chooses Candidates for Debates according to how much money is DONATED to their Campaigns! Kindly Contact All Fifty US State Republican and/or Democratic Party Chairs-Vice Chairs and have me placed on the General Election Write-In Ballot as the Republican-Independent Presidential Candidate. The Presidential Filing Process for Fifty State Primaries-Caucus is Honorable though, expensive and arduous! I am your only Life Extension Candidate and the Write-In General Election Ballot is very easy for me to access especially with the national security clause however each state is different! This March 2-5/2016 join Silvia Stagg at the annual Conservative CPAC2016 held March 2-5/2016 at Gaylords, National Harbor Maryland!
Kindly Email All Fifty USA State Election Division Directors, Democratic/Republican Party Chairs-Vice Chairs (check Ballot Access-Poll Watchers-Petitions/Nomination forms for each state Secretary of State’s Division/Board of Elections the next General Election until we are successful in my rising to the US Presidency-Vice Presidency! Check General Election Dates (including early voting) General Election Write-In Ballot Access For: Nov 8-2016, Nov 2020, Nov 2024, Nov 2028, Nov 2032, Nov 2036, for All Fifty USA State/USA Territories – Protectorates as a matter of national security! Note: USA Territories/Protectorate Include: Puerto Rico-US Virgin Islands-US Guam-Marshall Islands. My Supporters should also contact the State Delegates (who decide at/by the National Party Convention who will be the Presidential Candidate) and request they ensure I am a General Election Presidential Candidate for either the Democratic or Republican Party or Independent as a matter of national security!
National Security Victim Witness Republican Presidential Write-In Candidate
Filed FEC/Federal Election Commission
US Office of Government Ethics

Republican National Committee
Attention: RNC Chairman/Chairwoman
310 First Street – Washington D.C. 20003
T: 1/202-863-8500 – F: 1/202-863-8820

p25-1130uscensus.gov.pdf »
Silvia Stagg
Silvia Stagg For President Campaign Committee
1545 Nw 7th Ave Miami Florida 33136 / 305 – 316 – 0127
Your Campaign Contributions Are Always Needed!
Only US Citizens and US Residents Are Allowed To Give Campaign Contributions To US Candidates and Contributions are generally limited to Twenty Five Hundred – Five Thousand US Dollars (US$2,500.00 – US$5,000.00) Per Person Per Primary-General Election Cycle, Total Per Person: US$5,000.00! Additionally, we rarely have Runoffs. Yet, Runoffs allow for another $2,500.00 in Contributions per person. Those who wish to support my US Presidency via “electioneering communications” without contacting myself are allowed to make unlimited contributions, and most likely requires an FEC Form Filed. Contact FEC/Federal Elections Commission (999 E St NW Wash-DC 20463 T: 800-424-9530 F: 202-501-3413 I: https://www.fec.gov/info/forms.shtml) for Forms-Information regarding necessary filing of FEC Forms for those making Campaign Contributions. Anyone making Contributions to Silvia Stagg, as a National Security Victim Witness may do so without FEC Forms.
To Send Cash To: Silvia Stagg in Miami Florida (Dade County)
– MoneyGram Cash – English Speaking: 1-800MoneyGram
– MoneyGram Cash – Spanish Speaking: 1-800-955-7777
– Western Union Cash – Telephone: 1-800-225-5227
For Sending Donations Via Bank Wire/Direct deposit
Bank of America, NY 7-129-01-01
1900 Pine Ave Niagara Falls, NY 14301 – USA
Customer Service Telephone: 1-800-432-1000
Tel: 1-716-285-9268 – Fax: 1-716-286-7056
Bank of America Routing Numbers For Niagara Falls-NY For Account 483032906838
1) International Wire: BOFAUS3N
2) Domestic Wire: 026009593
3) Domestic Non Wire-Direct Deposit Routing Number: 021000322
Bank of America Routing Number For Portland OR
Account 485010883531
1) Domestic Non Wire Deposit Routing Number: 323070380
Bank of America Bank Account Numbers
1) Silvia Stagg’s Personal Savings Account No.: 483032906838 (Niagara Falls-NY)
2) Silvia Stagg’s Campaign Fund Account No.: 485010883531 (Portland Oregon)
Kindly email Silvia Stagg (silviastaggforpresident@email.com) after making any Contributions and give Silvia Stagg your Name-Address-US Citizenship-US Resident Status. Only Cash Deposits, Money Wires, or Money Transfers are Acceptable! – Thank you!
2016 Ballot Access Filings
(Public Forms Assistance)
Note: Sometimes Dates On Forms Must Be Changed
Until New Forms Are Issued!!!
Volunteers Needed!!!!!
(Degreed, Business or Distinguished Persons with No Criminal Record)
To Make A Difference!
US Citizens and Voters! Between July – September 2016 Kindly Have Voter Signature/Elector Forms Signed & Delivered To Each State! Refer To Presidential Candidacy Acceptance Letters For Additional Forms/Forms Due Dates! Caution: Most FormsRequire Notarization!
Thank You For Volunteering For
Silvia Stagg For President Campaign Committee!
2020 Vote For Silvia Stagg President Republican Write-In Candidate!
Silvia Stagg For President Updates
Above: FEC 2014 Update
Above October 2013 Update w/FEC Candidate/Committee Info
Above June 26-2013 FEC Candidate/Committee Info
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Silvia Stagg For President Campaign Committee
1545 NW 7th Ave Miami Florida 33136 / 305 – 316 – 0127
Presidential Planet Management Programs
Vote For Life Extension!
Vote For Silvia Stagg!
General Elections 2012-2036…until we get there !
Silvia Stagg Is Seeking Suitable Vice President!
Kindly Contact Silvia Stagg and Email Attach or Mail Signed/Notarized Forms
(Note: Some Presidential Forms Are Included For Silvia Stagg)
Silvia Stagg
Silvia Stagg For President Campaign Committee
Below: Ten State Acceptance Response of Silvia Stagg As Write-in Presidential Candidate For General Election Nov 8-2016!
Silvia Stagg For President Campaign Committee
1545 NW 7th Ave Miami FL 33136 / 305 – 316 – 0127
Internet Websites
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Silvia Stagg For US President!
2011 – 2036 …until we get there!
REP-IND Write-In Candidate
For General Election Nov 2020!
Embrace The Future!
Most Trusted Socioeconomic Infrastructure w/Life Extension!
2011-2036...until we get there!
Below: Candidate/Campaign Information
Contact Information
Silvia Stagg
Silvia Stagg For President Campaign Committee
1545 NW 7th Ave Miami Florida 33136
Phone: 305 – 316 -0127
2016 Ballot Access History
In (1) Florida, (2) New York, (3-4) Texas (Texas Refiled Twice via Internet/USPS 11-30-13/12-5-13), (5) Minnesota, (6) Washington, (7) Illinois, (8) Michigan, (9) Tennessee, (10) Kentucky, (11) Ohio, (12) New Jersey, (13) South Carolina, (14) Connecticut, (15) Missouri, (16) California, (17) Colorado, (18) Nevada, (19) North Carolina, (20) Indiana, (21) Maine, (22) Montana, (23) Oregon (No Refiling, Only Followup), (24) Pennsylvania, (25) New Hampshire, (26) Rhode Island, (27) Georgia, (28) West Virginia, (29) Wisconsin, (30) Arizona, (31) Iowa, (32) Louisiana, et al.
No. 1
State of Minnesota Secretary of State
Att: Director, Division of Elections
180 State Office Building
100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-1299
Phone: 651-215-1440
2016 Ballot Access Filing Status
Below: MN Residents Kindly Assist! Signatures Needed For 3 Petitions For Ballot Access
(1) Petition In Lieu of Filing Fees
(2) Electors (3) Partisan Office
2016 Ballot Access Status History
Republican Party of Minnesota
2200 East Franklin Avenue, Suite 201
Minneapolis – Minnesota 55404
Phone: 651-222-0022 – Fax: 651-224-4122
Email: info@mngop.com
No. 2
Washington State Secretary of State
Attention: Director, Division of Elections
520 Union Avenue SE – PO Box 40229
Olympia, Washington 98504 – 0229
Phone: 360-902-4180
Fax: 360-664-4619
Another Address
Public Disclosure Commission
711 Capitol Way, Room 206
PO Box 40908
Olympic – Washington 98504-0908
2016 Ballot Access Status History
Above: Washington Residents! Kindly Assist With Signatures For Petition In Lieu of Filing Fees For Silvia Stagg To Ballot Access In The State of Washington!
Compliance With New Washington Declaration Write-In Presidential Can Form
Kindly Refer To Washington Presidential Candidate Response/Acceptance Letter!
Ballot Access Form For Presidential Write-In Candidate Be Filed In Washington State Without The Required Caucus 1,000 Voter Signatures!
No. 3
New York State Board of Elections
40 North Pearl Street Suite 5
Albany, New York 12214-7229
2016 Ballot Access Status History
Public Notice: As Per New York Board Of Elections
Silvia Stagg Requires A Vice President To Be Placed On Ballot As A Write-In Presidential Candidate! All Suitable Vice Presidential Candidates Kindly Apply To Silvia Stagg At: silviastaggforpresident@email.com
2016 Ballot Access Status History
Above: Kindly Review New York State May
2016 Ballot Access Forms
Above: NY Residents Kindly Assist With Signatures For 3 Petitions:
(1) Opportunity To Ballot Access
(2) Designating Petition
(3) Independent Petition
Above: Notice of Acceptance If Chosen As New York State Republican Party Presidential Challenger!
US Citizens/Voters! Between July – Sept–2016 Kindly File Completed Ballot Access Forms w/New York!
New York State Republican
State Committee
315 State Street – Albany
New York 12210
Tel: 518-462-2601
Fax: 1/518-449-7443
Email: frontdesk@nygop.org
Between July – Sept 2016 Kindly File Completed Ballot Access Forms with New York!
No. 4
Mailing Address
Director, Elections Division
Texas Secretary of State
P.O. Box 12060 Austin
Texas 78711-2060
Physical Address
Director, Elections Division
Secretary of State
208 East 10TH Street – Rusk Building
Third Floor – Austin, Texas 78701
Phone: 1/800/252-VOTE(8683) 512/463-5650
2016 Ballot Access Filing Status History
Below: Proof of Texas Ballot Access Refilings 11-30-2013/12-5-2013 via Internet/USPS
Above: Kindly Review May 2013 Texas Ballot Access Filing!
Above Two Most Important Required Texas Ballot Access Forms Delivered April-May 2013 To State/Republican Party!
2016 Ballot Access Forms
Texans Ballot Access Signatures Needed For 2-3 Petitions!
(1) Petition In Lieu Of Filing Fees
(2) Petition To Place Nominees On November General Election Ballot
(3) Special Election Petition In Lieu of Filing Fee (Not Needed); and
Above: Texans Kindly Assist In Signatures For Consent of Presidential Elector Forms, Absolutely Necessary!
US Citizens/Voters! Kindly File Completed Ballot Access With Texas! Texas Is An Early File State, My Second Ballot Access Filing Is As an Indepepdent Write-In Candidate Due To Earlier Filing Date Than For A Republican Write-In Candidate Filing Date NOV 2015!
Texas Republican Party
1108 Lavaca Street Suite 500
Austin – Texas 78701
Tel: 512-477-9821
Below: Another Address Needing Verification This May Be For State Filings
Secretary of State – Division of Elections
Use Physical Address For Hand/Overnight Deliveries
Secretary of State Division of Elections
James Earl Rudder Officer Building
1019 Brazos, Austin Texas 78701
Fax: 1/512-463-5569
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 12887 Austin
Texas 78711-2887
US Citizens/Voters! Kindly File Completed Ballot Access With Texas! Texas Is An Early File State, My Second Ballot Access Filing Is As an Indepepdent Write-In Candidate Due To Earlier Filing Date Than For A Republican Write-In Candidate Filing Date Nov 2015!
No. 5
Florida Secretary of State and Director,
Florida Division of Elections
500 South Bronough Street
R.A. Gray Building Room 316
Tallahassee – Florida 32399-0250
Tel: 850/245-6200, 850/245-6240
Fax: 850/245-6259,
850/245-6217 or 850/245-6218
(this email may have been discontinued)
elections.myflorida.com (try this email)
Ballot Access Filing Status
The Above May 2013 Ballot Access Application Was Successful! See FLA Acceptance!
Former Florida Ballot Access Submission with First Two Responses
“Upon receiving the March 2012 Letter From FLA Div-Of-Elections, I Resent Florida DIV-OF-Elec Proof of US Citizenship, etc. and via Electronic Submission Again with Updates…” – Silvia Stagg
Ballot Access Forms
Below: Former Address
Republican Party of Florida
420 E Jefferson ST
P.O. Box 311 Tallahassee, Florida 32301
Republican Party Of Florida
420 E. Jefferson Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32301
Phone: (850) 222-7920
Fax: (850) 681-0184
General Inquires Email: info@rpof.org
Footer Contact Info
420 E. Jefferson Street
Tallahassee – Florida 32301
P: (850) 222 7920 – F: (850) 681 0184
Email: info@rpof.org
Final Response From Florida!
Floridians, Kindly File Ballot Access Forms No Later Than July/August 2015!
No. 6
Join America’s Best Grass Roots Presidential Campaign!
Silvia Stagg For President NOV 5-2016! During Sedition Oregon Requires 18,000+ Voter Signatures!
Oregon Elections Division
255 Capitol Street NE Ste. 501
Salem – Oregon 97310-1306
Tel: 503-986-1518
Free: 1/866-673-VOTE
Oregon’s Ballot Access Response
Above: May 28-2013 Electronic Ballot Access Filing Instructions:
“Refile between Sept 12-2013 – March 14-2014”
USPS Filing May Make This Filing Successful! Includes Silvia Stagg’s Response!
The Above Form Shall Be Sent Timely To Oregon For President/Vice President!
– Silvia Stagg
Below: Oregon’s Recent Email Response To Followup Email of May 4/5-2014 Ballot Access Status
No. 7
State Board of Elections
State of Illinois
2329 S. MacArthur Blvd
Illinois 62704-4503
Phone: 217-782-4141
TTY: 217-782-1518
Fax: 217-782-5959
Above Ballot Access Filing with Necessary Ballot Access Forms and
Illinois Response “To Refile Declaration of Intent For Independent Candidates Not Less Than 134 Days/Not More Than 141 Days Prior To General Election (Nov 8.2016). Write-In Candidates Must File Not Less Than 61 Days Prior To General Election (Nov 8.2016)” for Write-In No Later than Sept 4-2016 “with each of 85 County Elections Authorities!”
No. 8
State of Michigan Department of State
Bureau of Elections
Richard H. Austin Building
430 W. Allegan First Floor
Lansing, Michigan 48918
Tel: 517- 373-2540
Michigan Republican Party
520 Seymour Avenue
Lansing – Michigan 48933
Tel: (517) 487-5413
2016 Ballot Access Status History
No. 9
Tre Harget, Secretary of State
State of Tennessee
Division of Elections
Attention: Coordinator of Elections,
Mark Goins
312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue – 7TH Floor
Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0305
My Fellow Americans!
Only the name of my Vice President and 11 Electors (Names/Signatures) submitted between August 18-2016 – September 19-2016 is necessary to comply with Tennessee!
Excerpt from Attached Response From Division of Elections:
“…In order for a write-in candidate to have votes counted for him or her in Tennessee the write-in candidate must File a Certification of Write-In Candidacy (Certification) along with the names, signatures and addresses of the candidate’s Vice – President and Electors. The Certification and information regarding your Vice Presidential nominee and your electors cannot be accepted until after the qualifying deadline (August 18, 2016) for President has past and not later than 12:00 Noon (5 0) days (September 19, 2016)…”
Ballot Access Status
Above: Attached, Required Elector Form For Ballot Access due between August 18-2016 – September 19-2016 Fifty (50) Days prior to the November 5-2016 General Election
No. 10
Office of the Kentucky Secretary of State
Alison Lundergan Grimes
State Capital
700 Capital Ave Suite 152
Frankfurt – Kentucky 40601-3493
Tel: 502-564-3490 – Fax: 502-564-5687
Office of Elections
State Capital
700 Capital Ave Suite 148
Frankfurt – Kentucky 40601
Tel: 502-564-3490 Fax: 502-564-5687
2016 Ballot Access Status History
KY Ballot Access Filing With KY Response!
Republican Party of Kentucky
105 W 3RD Street
Frankfort – Kentucky 40601e
Tel: 502-875-5130 – Fax: 502/223-5625
Response From Kentucky
No. 11
State of New Jersey
Department of State
Trenton – New Jersey 08625
Tel: 609-984-1900
New Jersey Division of Elections (Office)
225 West State Street
5th Floor
Trenton – New Jersey
New Jersey Division of Elections (Mail)
P.O. Box 304 Trenton
New Jersey 08625-0304
Tel: 609/292-3760
Fax: 609/777-1280
Elections Manager: Donna Barber
Tel: 609-292-3760
2016 Ballot Access Status History
No. 12
Office of the Secretary of State
of Connecticut
Ms. Denise M. Merrill
30 Trinity Street
Hartford Connecticut 06106
Tel: 860-509-6100
Legislation and Elections Administration Division
30 Trinity Street
Hartford Connecticut 06106
Mailing Address
Legislation and Elections Administration Division
Secretary of State ATT: LEAD
P.O. Box 150470
Hartford – Connecticut 06115-0470
Legislation And Election Administration
Toll Free: 1/800-540-3764,
Phone: 860/509-6100,
Fax: 860-509-6127
Device For Hearing Impaired:
2016 Ballot Access Status History
The Above Connecticut Response (Petition Forms Instead of Write-In Forms And Without Cover Letter) May Not Be the Correct Response and Was Referred To Congress. Contact Local Republican Party (Which Is Primarily Concerned With Caucus/Primaries And Less Control Over Write-In Candidates Which Are US Constitutionally Guaranteed). Write-In Candidates Are Allowed In Nearly All States Except Nevada!
Connecticut Republican State Central Committee
31 Pratt Street – 4th Floor
Hartford Connecticut 06103
Tel: 860/422-8211 – Fax: 860/422-8175
No. 13
Ohio Secretary of State
Jon Husted
180 East Broad Street, 16TH Floor
Columbus Ohio 43215
General Office Contact:
Tel: 614-466-2655 – Tel: 877-SOS-OHIO
TTY 614-466-0562 –
TTY Toll Free: 877/644-6889
Elections Division
180 E. Broad Street – 16TH Floor
Columbus Ohio 43215
Tel: 614-466-2585, 877/SOS-OHIO
TTY: (614) 728-3295,
TTY Toll Free 877/TTY-OHIO
2016 Ballot Access Status History
No. 14
Secretary of State of South Carolina
Att: Mr. Billy Way, Jr. Chair
State Election Commission
2221 Devine Street – Suite 105
Columbia – South Carolina 29205
Main Tel: 803/734-9060
Fax: 803/734-9366
State Election Commission Members: Mr. Billy Way, Jr. Chair, Mark A. Benson, Marilyn Bowers, E. Allen Dawson,
Nicole Spain White
2016 Ballot Access Status History
Note: SC Elections Commission Response Is Questioned, Due To Write-In Presidential Candidates Not Required To Go Thru State GOP Primary Process. Referred to State GOP/US Congress!
Republican Party of South Carolina
1913 Marion Street
Columbia – South Carolina 29201
Tel: 803/988-8440 – Fax: 803/988-8444
Note: Please Excuse The Mislabeling Of PDF Files Above/Below To Be Corrected!
Response From South Carolina!
No. 15
Help Silvia Stagg Build A Grassroots Presidential Campaign In New Hampshire!
Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kinder
600 West Maine Street
Jefferson City – Missouri 65101
Main Office Tel: 573/751-4936
State Information Center
P.O. Box 1767
Jefferson City – Missouri 65102
Phone: 573/751-2301 – Fax: 573/526-3242
Another More Exacting Address:
Elections Division
Missouri Secretary of State
James C. Kirkpatrick
State Information Center
600 West Maine Street
Jefferson City – MO 65101
Voice: 573/751-2301 – Tel: 800/Now-Vote
Fax: 573/526-3242
2016 Ballot Access Status History
Note: The Missouri Response Appears To Be Erroneous. Referred To State GOP/US Congress!
No. 16
Help Silvia Stagg Build A Grassroots Presidential Campaign In New Hampshire!
New Hampshire
Secretary of State’s Office
Elections Division – Administration
Mr. Robert Ambrose, Senior Deputy Secretary of State
Mr. David M. Scanlan, Deputy
Secretary of State
107 North Main, Room 204
Concord New Hampshire 03301
New Hampshire Republican Party
10 Water Street
Concord New Hampshire 03301
Tel: 603- 225-9341 – Fax: 603 – 225-7498
Above: GOOD NEWS For The Life Extension Movement!
Silvia Stagg Is On The General Election Ballot To Be Held On NOV 5-2016 Providing NH Law Is Not Changed! As Per Sen Rand Paul/NH GOP Chair, Silvia Stagg Is Expected To Receive One Million Votes!
2016 Ballot Access Status History
Above: Ballot Access Application
Below: Response From New Hampshire Upon Followup!
2016 New Hampshire Ballot Access Forms
No. 17
Colorado Secretary of State
Attention: Ballot Access
1700 Broadway, Suite 200
Denver Colorado 80290
Tel: 303-894-2200 Ext: 6307
Fax: 303-869-4861
Use Attention: Ballot Access regarding:
(1) Affidavit of Intent For Write-In President and Vice President Forms
and (2) Presidential Elector’s Acceptance of Nomination
Electronic Ballot Access Forms:ballot.access@sos.state.co.us
Ballot Access Filing Status
US Citizens/Voters! On or About July 1-2016 [110 Days before General Election] Kindly Complete and Deliver Form(s) [Presidential Elector’s Acceptance of Nomination] To Colorado!
Colorado Republican Party
5950 S. Willow Drive Suite 302
Greenwood Village – Colorado 80111
Tel: 303-758-3333 – Fax: 303-753-4611
US Citizens/Voters! On or About July 1-2016 [110 Days before General Election] Kindly Complete/Deliver Form(s) [Presidential Elector’s Acceptance of Nomination] To Colorado!
No. 18
California Secretary of State (Entire Building)
California Division of Elections
Candidates & Elections
1500 11TH Street Sacramento, California 95814
Main Number: 916-657-2166 –
Elections Division Fax: 916-653-3214
June 12-2013 Political Reform Ballot Access Filing!
May 2013 California – Candidates & Elections Ballot Access Filing!
2016 Ballot Access Forms
Above: Required Calf Forms Delivered via Email/USPS!
CALF Residents Kindly Sign California Elector Forms If You Wish To Vote For Silvia Stagg California’s Choice For US President!
California Residents, Silvia Stagg Requires Poll Watchers!
California Educates/Certifies Poll Watchers!
By July – Sept 2016 Kindly File Ballot Access Forms with California!
Republican Party of California
Burbank Office
1903 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank – California 91506
P 818-841-5210 | F 818-841-6668
California GOP Headquarters
1215 K Street Suite 1220, Sacramento – California 95814
Tel: 916-448-9496 Fax: 916-448-9497
Chair: Senator Sam Brulte – Vice Chair: Harmeet Dhillon
Email: info@cagop.org
Recent Updates To GOP Office Locations
Email: info@cagop.org
Burbank Office
1903 W. Magnolia Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91506
Phone: 818-841-5210 – Fax: 818-841-6668
Sacramento Office
1121 L Street, Suite 207
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-448-9496 – Fax: 916-448-9497
Modesto Office
1231 8th Street, Suite 400
Modesto, CA 95354
Phone: 209-496-8827
Fresno Office
1300 E. Shaw Ave, Suite 131
Fresno, CA 93710
Phone: 559-287-2720
US Citizens/Voters! By July – Sept 2016 Kindly File Completed Ballot Access Forms With CALF!
Help Silvia Stagg Build A Grassroots Presidential Campaign In Nevada!
Ross Miller – Secretary of State
Elections Division
101 North Carson Street – Nevada 89701
Tel: 775-684-5708
Ballot Access Status
No. 20
Help Silvia Stagg Build A Grassroots Presidential Campaign In Maine!
Maine Commission On Government Election Practices
135 State House Station – Augusta, Maine 04333
Tel: 207/287-4179 Fax: 207/287-6775
Response To Followup from Maine!
Maine Ballot Access Forms
No. 21
Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
Ms. Carol Aichele
Attention: Ms. Shanon E. Royer,
Deputy Secretary External Affairs
and Elections
Attention: Mr. Jonathan M. Marks,
Commissioner, Bureau of Commissions,
Elections and Legislation
Bureau of Commissions-Elections-Legislation
210 North Office Building
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120
Ballot Access Status
Republican Federal Committee of Pennsylvania
112 State Street Harrisburg PA 17101
No. 22
North Carolina State Board of Elections
Attention: Director
6400 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6400
North Carolina Board of Elections
Attention: Director
441 North Harrington Street
Releigh, North Carolina 27603
No. 23
Help Silvia Stagg Build A Grassroots Presidential Campaign In Montana! MONTANA
Montana Secretary of State, Ms. Linda McCulloch
State Capitol Building – 1301 E. 6TH Avenue
Helena – Montana 59601 (Office)
Montana Secretary of State
State Capitol Building 2ND Floor Room 260
P.O. Box 202801 Helena Montana 59620 (Mail)
Fax: 406/444-2801
Please Note: Sometimes Only Response Comes From Office
Ballot Access Status
Ballot Access Forms
Candidate Guide For USA!
No. 24
Help Silvia Stagg Build A Grassroots Presidential Campaign In West Virginia!
Secretary of State, State of West Virginia,
Ms. Natalie Tennant,
Elections Division Att: Director
1900 Kanawha Blvd. East Bldg. 1 Suite 157-K
Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0770
2016 Ballot Access Status History
West Virginia Republican Party
P.O. Box 2711 Charleston – West Virginia 25301
Phone: 304-768-0493 Email: wvgop@wvgop.org
Help Silvia Stagg Build A Grassroots Presidential Campaign In Wisconsin!
Wisconsin Elections Division – Wisconsin Government Accountability Board
212 East Washington Avenue, Third Floor
P.O. Box 7984
Madison, Wisconsin 53707 – 7984
Phone: 608-266-8005 Fax: 608-267-0500
Ballot Access Status
Help Silvia Stagg Build A Grassroots Presidential Campaign In Rhode Island!
Rhode Island Board of Elections
Attention: Director
50 Branch Avenue – Providence, Rhode Island 02904
Elections And Voting
148 West River Road – Providence RI 02904-2615
Ballot Access Status
Candidate Guide For USA!
Help Silvia Stagg Build A Grassroots Presidential Campaign In Indiana!
State of Indiana Secretary of State
Attention: Elections Division
302 West Washington Street – Room 204
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
Indiana Republican Party
47 S Meridian Street, 2ND Floor
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
Phone: 317/635-7561, 1/800-466-1087
Fax: 317/632-8510
Help Silvia Stagg Build A Grassroots Presidential Campaign In Georgia!
Mr. Brian P. Kemp, Secretary of State State of Georgia
214 State Capitol -Atlanta, Georgia 30334
Ms. Linda Ford
Director – Division of Elections
2 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive S.E.
Suite 802 West Tower
Atlanta Georgia 30334
2016 Ballot Access Status
Georgia Republican Party
P.O. Box 550008 – Atlanta, Georgia 30355
Tel: 404.257.5559 – Fax: B404.257.0779
John Padgett, Chairman
Bob Mayzes, Treasurer
Secretary of State, Ken Bennett
State of Arizona
1700 W. Washington Street – 7th Floor
Phoenix – Arizona 85007-2888
Phone: 602 – 542 – 8683
Fax: 602 – 542 – 6172
2016 Arizona Ballot Access Status History!
Arizona Candidate Guidebook and Forms
arizonacandidatehandbook-09222014143800.pdf – Google Drive
arizonaelectionsinfochecklistformsforballotaccess-10032014110448.pdf -GoogleDrive
Iowa Ballot Access Response
Iowa Candidate Guide
2016 Ballot Access Status History
Join Silvia Stagg For President Grassroots Campaign!
In (1) Florida, (2) New York, (3-4) Texas (Texas Refiled Twice via Internet/USPS 11-30-13/12-5-13), (5) Minnesota, (6) Washington, (7) Illinois,(8) Michigan, (9) Tennessee, (10) Kentucky, (11) Ohio, (12) New Jersey, (13)South Carolina, (14) Connecticut, (15) Missouri, (16) California, (17) Colorado,(18) Nevada, (19) North Carolina, (20) Indiana, (21) Maine, (22) Montana, (23)Oregon (No Refiling-Update/Followup Only), (24) Pennsylvania, (25) New Hampshire, (26) Rhode Island, (27) Georgia, (28) West Virginia,
(29) Wisconsin, (30) Arizona, (31) Iowa, (32) Louisiana, et al.
Without Silvia Stagg As President-Vice President, Democrats will Forever Give You Death and Taxes!
Vote For Life Extension,Vote For Silvia Stagg, This General Election Nov 2016!
Direct Internet Access
1) Facebook Address: silvia.stagg.1
2) To Access Time Line For Silvia Stagg: Facebook.com/silvia.stagg.1
3) To Send Email To Silvia Stagg: silvia.stagg.1@Facebook.com
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Facebook.com @ silvia.stagg.1
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Twitter.com @ Silvia Stagg2
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Blogtrottr @ silvia stagg
Mashable.com @ silvia stagg
Ustream.com @ silvia stagg
Youtube.com: https://www.youtube.com/user/silviastagg
supervoters.org @ silviastaggforpresident
votizen.com @ silvia stagg
Contributions Information
Your Campaign Contributions Are Needed!
Only US Citizens and US Residents Are Allowed To Give Campaign Contributions To US Candidates and Contributions are generally limited to Twenty Five Hundred – Five Thousand US Dollars (US$2,500.00 – US$5,000.00) Per Person Per Primary-General Election Cycle, Total Per Person: US$5,000.00! Additionally, we rarely have Runoffs. Yet, Runoffs allow for another $2,500.00 in Contributions per person. Those who wish to support my US Presidency via “electioneering communications” without contacting myself are allowed to make unlimited contributions, and most likely requires an FEC Form Filed. Contact FEC/Federal Elections Commission (999 E St NW Wash-DC 20463 T: 800-424-9530 F: 202-501-3413 I: https://www.fec.gov/info/forms.shtml) for Forms-Information regarding necessary filing of FEC Forms for those making Campaign Contributions. Anyone making Contributions to Silvia Stagg, as a National Security Victim Witness may do so without FEC Forms.
To Send Cash To: Silvia Stagg in Miami Florida (Dade County)
via Money Wire/Money Transfer,
– MoneyGram Cash – English Speaking: 1-800MoneyGram
– MoneyGram Cash – Spanish Speaking: 1-800-955-7777
– Western Union Cash – Telephone: 1-800-225-5227
For Sending Donations Via Bank Wire/Direct Deposit
Bank of America, NY 7-129-01-01
1900 Pine Ave Niagara Falls, NY 14301 – USA
Customer Service Telephone: 1-800-432-1000
Bank T: 1-716-285-9268 Bank Fax: 1-716-286-7056
Bank of America Routing Numbers For Niagara Falls-NY Account 483032906838
1) International Wire: BOFAUS3N
2) Domestic Wire: 026009593
3) Domestic Non Wire-Direct Deposit Routing Number: 021000322
Bank of America Routing Number For Portland Oregon Account 485010883531
1) Domestic Non Wire Deposit Routing Number: 323070380
Bank of America Bank Account Numbers
1) Silvia Stagg’s Personal Savings Account No.: 483032906838 (Niagara Falls-NY)
2) Silvia Stagg’s Campaign Fund Account No.: 485010883531 (Portland Oregon)
Kindly email Silvia Stagg (silviastaggforpresident@email.com) after making any Contributions and give Silvia Stagg your Name-Address-US Citizenship-US Resident Status. Only Cash Deposits, Money Wires, or Money Transfers are Acceptable! – Thank you!
September 2014
Photograph of Silvia Stagg at Aventura Mall Miami Florida – Date of Birth: 07-27-1957 Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York

My Fellow Americans,
Please Give Generously! Thank you! Silvia Stagg
Vote For Life Extension,Vote For Silvia Stagg, This General Election _______________________________________________
My Fellow Americans…Real Hope For Life Extension with Age Reversal and Excellent Health For Age!
The White Christian European Descent Race Is Facing Race Extinction! Contact Your Congressional Representative In Washington – DC! Request Your Life Extension (Age Reversal) Healings! U.S. House of Representatives Washington and/or US Senate – D.C. 20515 U.S. Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121 & TTY: 202-225-1904 https://www.house.gov/ and https://www.senate.gov/
Public Email For Members of Congress
Below: Photograph of United States Congress – Capitol Building Washington District of Columbia!
Support NASA nd Space X Continued United States Aerospace Missions
Below: 1960’s United States NASA Astronauts Moon Mission First Humans To Walk The Moon!

Below: Many Staff of Space X
Are Former NASA!
Vote For Life Extension,Vote For Silvia Stagg
This General Election Nov 2020!
2020 Vote For Silvia Stagg For President!
Most of US Don’t Want to Get Left Behind!
Embrace The Future!
Most Trusted Programs with Life Extension!
Most Trusted Socioeconomic Infrastructure Programs A/C with Life Extension and Age Reversal with Excellent Health For Age!
p25-1130uscensus.pdf »
The White Christian European Descent Race Is Facing Race Extinction! Contact Your Congressional Representative In Washington – DC! Request Your Life Extension (Age Reversal) Healings! U.S. House of Representatives Washington and/or US Senate – D.C. 20515 U.S. Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121 & TTY: 202-225-1904 https://www.house.gov/ and https://www.senate.gov/
Public Email For Members of Congress
Below: Photograph of United States Congress – Capitol Building – Washington District of Columbia!
Campaign Schedule For Silvia Stagg
It Is Best To Commence Ballot Access Filings One Year Within The Last General Election! Silvia Stagg May Remain a General Election Write-In Presidential Candidate!
2012 – 2016 – General Election
2016 – 2020 – General Election
2020 – 2024 – General Election
2024 – 2028 – General Election
2028 – 2032 – General Election
2032 – 2036 – General Election
Become Involved In The Republican Party!
For Info Regarding Membership-Presumptive Candidates-Convention-Donations To
Republican National Committee
310 First Street Washington D.C. 20003
Tel: 1/202-863-8500 Fax: 1/202-863-8820
Email: info@gop.com

Contributions Information
Your Campaign Contributions Are Always Needed. Only US Citizens and US Residents Are Allowed To Give Campaign Contributions To US Candidates and Contributions are generally limited to Twenty Five Hundred – Five Thousand US Dollars (US$2,500.00 – US$5,000.00) Per Person Per Primary-General Election Cycle, Total Per Person: US$5,000.00! Additionally, we rarely have Runoffs. Yet, Runoffs allow for another $2,500.00 in Contributions per person. Those who wish to support my US Presidency via “electioneering communications” without contacting myself are allowed to make unlimited contributions, and most likely requires an FEC Form Filed. Contact FEC/Federal Elections Commission (999 E St NW Wash-DC 20463 T: 800-424-9530 F: 202-501-3413 I: https://www.fec.gov/info/forms.shtml) for Forms-Information regarding necessary filing of FEC Forms for those making Campaign Contributions. Anyone making Contributions to Silvia Stagg, as a National Security Victim Witness may do so without FEC Forms.
To Send Cash To: Silvia Stagg in Miami Florida (Dade County)
via Money Wire/Money Transfer,
– MoneyGram Cash – English Speaking: 1-800MoneyGram
– MoneyGram Cash – Spanish Speaking: 1-800-955-7777
– Western Union Cash – Telephone: 1-800-225-5227
– Western Union Cash: https://www.westernunion.com/
– MoneyGram Cash: https://www.moneygram.com/
For Sending Donations Via Bank wire/direct deposit
Original Bank Location
Bank of America, NY 7-129-01-01
1900 Pine Ave Niagara Falls, NY 14301 – USA
Customer Service Telephone: 1-800-432-1000
Bank T: 1-716-285-9268 Bank Fax: 1-716-286-7056
Bank of America Routing Numbers For Niagara Falls-NY Account 483032906838
1) International Wire: BOFAUS3N
2) Domestic Wire: 026009593
3) Domestic Non Wire-Direct Deposit Routing Number: 021000322
Bank of America Routing Number For Portland Oregon Account 485010883531
1) Domestic Non Wire Deposit Routing Number: 323070380
Bank of America Bank Account Numbers
1) Silvia Stagg’s Personal Savings Account No.: 483032906838 (Niagara Falls-NY)
2) Silvia Stagg’s Campaign Fund Account No.: 485010883531 (Portland Oregon)
Kindly email Silvia Stagg (silviastaggforpresident@email.com) after making any Contributions and give Silvia Stagg your Name-Address-US Citizenship-US Resident Status. Only Cash Deposits, Money Wires, or Money Transfers are Acceptable! – Thank you!
Become Involved In America’s Future! Learn About American Politics!Information On The Electoral College!
US Electorial College Telephone: 202-741-6030 Email: electoralcollege@nara.govThe Office of the Federal Register General Inquiries 202-741-6000 Email: fedreg.info@nara.govMailing Address Office of the Federal Register (NF) U.S. National Archives and Records Administration 8601 Adelphi Road – College Park, Maryland 20740 – 6001
My Fellow Americans!
Real Hope For Life Extension with Age Reversal and Excellent Health For Age!
p25-1130uscensus.gov.pdf »
The White Christian European Descent Race Is Facing Race Extinction! Contact Your Congressional Representative In Washington – DC! Request Your Life Extension (Age Reversal) Healings! U.S. House of Representatives Washington and/or US Senate – D.C. 20515 U.S. Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121 & TTY: 202-225-1904 https://www.house.gov/ and https://www.senate.gov/
Below: Photograph of United States Congress – Capitol Building – Washington District of Columbia!

America! Say Farewell To FBI Director Robert Mueller Retiring After 12 Years of Service…
Welcome New FBI Director James Comey 9-4-2013
Oregonians! Stop Your Congressional House & Senate Representatives (Democratic/Republican)
From Deforesting Oregon To Supply China!
National Security Alert! America This NOV 2014 We Need Only Six (6) More Republican Senatorial Votes To Control the Senate, along with the House of Representatives Enabling Our US Congress To Vote ‘Yes’ On Impeachment & Removal of Dictator President Barack Obama & Vice President Joseph Biden for Sedition!
National Security Alert! Say NO To PAC ‘Priorities USA Action’ and Say NO To Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton’s Mass Murdering Brain Tap and Hillary Rodham Clinton & William Jefferson Clinton’s Mass Murderous Black Ops Tech Criminal History Disallowing Presidential Candidate Silvia Stagg to Rise as President-Vice President NOV 2016-2020-2024-2028-2032-2036…To Disseminate Life Extension-Most Trusted Programs Saving Our Beloved, Endangered White European Descent Race and Lawful Indigenous Minorities worldwide!
Above: Letter From House Rep Frank Wolf To House Speaker John Boehner Re: The Benghazi Embassy Attack under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s jurisdiction and during Barack Obama’s Presidency!
National Security Alert! Join In The Popular Demand for the Removal/Resignation of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for Punishing a Local Englewood/Fort Lee NJ Mayor Sokolich For Not Supporting His Re-election for Another Term as Governor by Causing a Traffic Jam at George Washington Bridge! Chris Christie should Be Disallowed Participation In Nov 5-2016 Presidential-Vice Presidential General Election!
National Security Alert! House Speaker John Boehner and Silvia Stagg Support Arizona GOP Condemnation of Sen John McCain For Not Enforcing Historical Immigration Policy/Law Leading To Disenfranchisement of the White Christian European Descent In America/Worldwide!
Silvia Stagg “There Can Be No Defense of Chris Christie!”
Below: National Security Alert Message Regarding NJ Governor Chris Christie
Permission Granted For This Posting! – Silvia Stagg
Readers, RNC Chair Reince Priebus, House Speaker John Boehner, Senator Marco Rubio, Senator Rand Paul, Senator John Thune, House Rep Paul Ryan, et al Personally Authorized and Support ALL OF MY WESBSITE Inserts INCLUDING of the NJ Governor Chris Christie Traffic Jam Bridge Scandal and Our Republican Position that NJ Governor Christie should be Removed From Office, Disallowed Re-election, and Disallowed from Participating in the 2015-2016 Presidential Campaign. Once again, President Barack Obama, is interfering with the Republican Party From Morally Asserting Its Will! We Must Allow Only Moral Persons To Hold Office! There is No Defense For Chris Christie! – Silvia Stagg
A Defense of Chris Christie, Courtesy of the NSA

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie acknowledged Thursday that a senior member of his staff was involved in shutting down George Washington Bridge traffic, a stunt meant to punish the mayor of an affected town for opposing his reelection.
In a press conference, Christie apologized for the staffer’s behavior, announced her termination, and swore he was previously unaware of the whole episode. “Later today I’m going to be going to Fort Lee, asked to meet with the mayor to apologize to him personally, face to face, and also to apologize to the people of Fort Lee in their town,” he said. “They need to see me do that personally, and I intend to do that …. People of those communities for four days were impacted in a completely callous and indifferent way, and I’m going to go and apologize for that.”
But does the Christie Administration really owe an apology to everyone in Fort Lee? A crisis communications strategy shaped by the NSA would suggest otherwise. Perhaps Christie can reconsider and use the following talking points, especially if it emerges that he knew more than he has so far publicly admitted.
The NSA-inspired explanation:
- Going after a political rival is wrong, to be sure, but it’s important to put this event in context.
- There are almost 9 million people in New Jersey, and only one was targeted for retribution, an impressively tiny error rate lower than .001 percent.
- Did a Christie staffer delay thousands of people? Not wittingly. Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich was the only target of non-compliant behavior. No other Fort Lee resident was ever targeted for retribution, and any delays that any Fort Lee resident experienced were totally inadvertent and incidental.
- This is so despite the fact that an email shows a Christie aide being warned that Fort Lee children would be affected by the lane closures. They were one hop away from Mayor Sokolich, and thus part of the one instance of non-compliance.
- The bridge closure was vital to national security because [redacted].
- Since the George Washington Bridge is a potential terrorist target, everything that may or may not have happened near it is a state secret. Adjudicating this controversy on the merits would threaten national security.
- A panel will be formed to figure out how to restore the public’s faith in Chris Christie.
To some readers, these talking points may seem absurd or deliberately misleading, but there isn’t any denying that so far they’re working okay for the NSA.
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — The September lane closings near the George Washington Bridge that caused huge traffic jams and now appear to have been politically orchestrated by a member of Gov. Chris Christie’s administration and key allies violated federal law, a chief official said in an email ordering the lanes reopened.
The Sept. 13 email was among thousands of pages released Friday by a New Jersey legislative committee investigating the scandal, which could haunt Christie’s expected run for president in 2016. The documents mostly involve the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, the agency that runs the bridge.
Photo: APNew Jersey Gov. Chris Christie walks past reporters as he leaves City Hall, in Fort Lee, N.J., after apologizing in person to Mayor Mark Sokolich. Moving quickly to contain a widening political scandal, Christie fired one of his top aides Thursday and apologized repeatedly for the “abject stupidity” of his staff, insisting he had no idea anyone around him had engineered traffic jams to get even with Sokolich, for not supporting his re-election campaign. A New Jersey legislative committee investigating the traffic-jam scandal released hundreds of documents Friday that could shed more light on the politically motivated lane closings that created gridlock at the George Washington Bridge.
Show more
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — Prominent Republicans are leaping to New Jersey GOP Gov. Chris Christie’s defense, insisting that a traffic scandal won’t ruin his chances of running for president.
New Jersey Democrats also took to the Sunday talk shows to ask how a hands-on manager like Christie wouldn’t have known about a plan by a top aide to close lanes to the George Washington Bridge. They say that may have broken federal and state laws.
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus (ryns PREE’-bus) says “primary voters could look past the scandal because Christie apologized for his staff’s behavior and punished those responsible.”
Democratic Mayor Mark Sokolich (SAHK’-oh-lich) says “he wants to believe Christie had no part in bringing his town of Fort Lee to a standstill but is having a tough time buying it!”

What a week for Chris Christie. The corpulent New Jersey governor was caught in a bizarre scandal. The scandal says a lot about Chris Christie but the reaction from the conservative movement was even more interesting.
Conservatives don’t like Chris Christie. That is obvious. When the left went after Christie, conservatives did not stand up for him. When the Democrats went after him, a few Republicans tried to come to his defense but the conservative blogosphere that was so successful in going after left wing attacks in 2013, was silent.
Conservatives had absolutely no desire to stand up for Chris Christie.
What is it about him that engenders so much dislike from conservatives? Why are conservatives as happy to see Chris Christie in trouble as the left is?
Find out now on Tea Party Nation!
Visit Tea Party Nation at: https://www.teapartynation.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network
Vote For Life Extension, Vote For Silvia Stagg, This General Election Nov 2020!
National Security Alert!

VoteOut Career Politicians/Incumbant Politicians Responsible For Black Ops Technology Induced Sedition-Anarchy, White European Race Extinction via Torture Murder and Planned Obscolecence.Furthermore, My Former Friends: Sen John Thune, Sen Marco Rubio, Sen Rand Paul, House Rep Paul Ryan and John Boehner, Were Permanently Altered By President Barack Obama , President William Jefferson Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton (HC peddles for the death of myself and my mother, the only Most Trusted Socioeconomic Infrastructure with Life Extension and Good Gnome Dissemination worldwide Team) Via USA Pentagon Weapon The Microwave Brainwave Alteration Device And Without Silvia Stagg, They Will Continue To Mass Murder Via Torture Especially The White Christian European Descent Race Into Race Extinction!
Instructions From Above To Remove Them!
-Respectfully, Silvia Stagg
Above: Two Photographs of World Trade Center (Twin Towers) at ‘Ground Zero’ after 9/11 Attack by Two Jet Airlines Filled w/Combustible Jet Fuel Each Flying Into Twin Towers
Above: Photograph of Professionally Wired/Bombed Murrah Building Taken Off Website
Article by Silvia Stagg
The Destabalization of America – The Bombing of the Murrah Building In Oklahoma City, and Other Abuse of Power – Seditionary Activities
The destabalization of America is most assuredly linked to a sequence of catastrophic events which occurred during the 19th Century. And this would include the bombing of the Murrah Building on April 19-1995, located in Oklahoma City-Oklahoma. This terroristic attack was deemed to be linked to President William Jefferson Clinton and former FBI Director Louis J. Freeh wrongfully infiltrating (with an FBI Mole) a conservative community group in Niagara Falls-NY in which Timothy McVay and Terry Nichols were a part.
The second attack targeted the WTC/World Trade Center, named 9/11 or 9/11/2001 Tragedy. The President at the time, George W. Bush was illegally given Immunity From Prosecution by our US Congress, for the destruction of the WTC Towers. Whereby, Nineteen (19) Saudi Nationals hyjacked two commercial jet airliners flying one each into the two WTC Towers. During the Second WTC/World Trade Center Attack, and during President George W. Walker Bush’s Term In Office, let the record show, Richard/Dick Cheney was Vice President, and during both the First and Second WTC attacks, Candoleeza Rice was National Security Advisor to the President, and General Colin Powell was a commissioned officer.
And it should be noted that, Louis J. Freeh was FBI Director during the first WTC/World Trade Center attack consisting of a truck bombing resulting in the death of 6 persons. And the actual date the forementioned occurred was April 1989 while George Herbert Walker Bush was President. And not February 26-1993 the date which is often asserted to protect the Bush Family from being connected to a Family Conspiracy to Destroy the WTC/World Trade Center. To our advantage, we still have numerous Photographs and Film footage of the Persian Gulf War AKA (Desert Storm-Desert Shield) of 1991 in response to the Truck Bomb attack on the WTC. At the time, Commander General Norman Schwarzkopf – US Central Command, President George Herbert Walker Bush, and his Cabinet Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney, Candoleeza Rice National Security Advisor, General Colin Powell, were repeatedly photographed.
Substantiating the conspiracy to hide the true date of the first WTC Attack and protect the reputation of the too powerful to prosecute Bush Family, is the fact that our beautiful and originally well stocked Niagara Falls Public Library (and perhaps other libraries nationwide/worldwide) was gutted during the first term of the Bush Administration. Older books were either thrown out and/or sold to the public for peanuts, replaced with new books which changed the actual date of the 1989 WTC Attack giving little to no details of the incident. This writer, formerly employed at the WTC, did not have to work that day at the WTC/World Trade Center. However, one does recall, reports of “minor superficial damage and 6 persons were killed” with lower level Platform/First Floor and below ground/Train Platform levels affected.
Additionally, during the Second Bush Administration, it should be known, this writer viewed a televised video tape of George Walker Bush and Candoleeza Rice stepping off Helicopter ‘Marine Air Force I’ continued walking toward the White House holding hands. Their hands disengaged once George W. Bush remembered he was before the media. The incident went further unreported until now. To reiterate, Candoleeza Rice was National Security Advisor to both President George Herbert Walker Bush and his son George Walker Bush! Both Colin Powell and Candoleeza Rice later became Secretary of State.
Regarding the second WTC attack, it was a Female Supervisory FBI Agent from the FBI Minneapolis Office who became an FBI Whistle Blower. The FBI was already investigating the nineteen Saudi Nationals taking Airplane Pilot lessons in preparation for a Terrorist attack and this investigation was muzzled and not used to prevent the 9/11 WTC Tragedy. As asserted in the Channel 17 PBS Frontline Documentary, “when President George W. Bush drove into the driveway of a local Grammar School to give a classroom appearance that fateful morning of September 11-2001, he already knew of the first commercial jet airliner attack on one WTC Tower and failed to make his public statement until the second WTC Tower attack by a second commercial jet airliner,” both flying directly into one of both Towers.
Throughout 1995, the US Congress released their quick response to the bombing of the Murrah Building, frequently broadcasted by the media stating, “The bombing of the Murrah Building was the result of an FBI Sting Operation gone array…involving an FBI Mole linked to the FBI Director (with some implied or actual mention of the Presidents’ involvement) infiltrating a group in Niagara Falls which included Timothy McVay and Larry Nichols…” This report was reiterated with much discourse before the public by Congress, Government and Media.
Congressional, other Government and Media reports also stated, “The ATF/Alcohol, Tobacco And Firearms Agency illegally kept bombs in the basement of the Murrah Building…(which exploded simultaneously as the Fertilizer Bomb built by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols).” Upon viewing media film footage of the surrounding area of the Murrah Building, the Murrah Building was much more destroyed than the buildings in closer proximity to the Ryder Truck which contained the McVeigh-Nichols Fertilizer Bomb.
As witnessed by this writer, a day or two after the bombing of the Murrah Building on or about April 19-1995 (this date in agreement with this writer’s recollection), an on location media reporter standing in front of the bombed Murrah Building, before Television camera stated, “The day the Murrah Building was bombed the Secret Service was investigating the President.”
President William Jefferson Clinton, and the White House, shortly after the Murrah Building was bombed, announced, “The Murrah Building would be demolished within thirty days” making reference to a “Point of Healing” (stating a planned Memorial would be built at the site).” However, attorneys for Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols argued against such action in court, asserting, “Important forensics necessary to their case/defense would be destroyed.” Nonetheless, President William Jefferson Clinton pressed on, succeeding with the expeditious demolition of the Murrah Building and a Memorial for the dead (government men, women and their children in day care) built in its place.
The issue publicly died by 1996, and the government became resolved to soley targetting Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols for the bombing of the Murrah Building. However, the Media openly investigated conspiracy theories with some vigor. One Magazine Article read by this writer in 1996, asserted, “Some Federal Judges who worked in the Murrah Building were telephoned earlier that morning and instructed not to go to work that day it was dangerous.” It was asserted by media reports at the time, that the FBI had no office at the Murrah Building and the FBI disliked being housed with other Federal Agencies. A good idea!
The US Congress and the Media kept the pressure on the Clintons, the ‘Teflon Couple’ who remained well liked because of their superficially friendly, kind and concerned demeanor toward the Indigent and Middle Class. The Clinton gave the appearance of protecting our human dignity by protecting socioeconomic entitlements for the desperate millions of persons who need these entitlements. The huddled masses yearning to be free are historically responsible for voting the President into Office. However, eventually over the many years, the Clinton Agenda to crush American rights and liberties, including the right to self protection especially from ‘Abuse of Power’ or ‘Sedition’ became apparent to all US Citizens and the World audience!
By 1994, President William Jefferson Clinton was already publicly guilty of Abuse of Power and Sedition of two cases as charged before the public by the government and US Citizenry. One case which occurred on/by August 21-22-1992, involving Ruby Ridge Idahos’ Randy Weaver and his family and friend Kevin Harris, and another case, which took place between February 28-1993 ending violently by April 19-1993, involving a Charismatic Christian (Fanatical) Leader named David Koresh of the Branch Davidian Sect at Waco Texas.
The meglomanic David Koresh (born Vernon Wayne Howell in Houston-TX in 1959), according to videotape of David Koresh giving sermons appeared to be psychologically unstable, and as per PBS Frontline had a shady violent past. And in the opinion of this writer viewing the Branch Davidian Sermons of David Koresh, David Koresh was meglomanic and guilty of brainwashing. There were government claims that David Koresh was sexually promiscuous and possibly guilty of child abuse. Clearly good issues on which the State Authorities could take action. The issue of the safety of the children was raised by our government especially Honorable Janet Reno before our US Congress. However, all government agencies nationwide failed to act in a humane manner to save the children and women obviously held captive. And these men, women, and children became subject to President Clinton’s well known temper. In 1996, it was the News Media who captured a poignant photograph of President Clinton and Vice President Gore having a shouting match outside the White House. In Waco, it was the local Sheriff who asserted he would have preferred to pick-up David Koresh (known fairly well) while David Koresh went jogging in the morning, so as to protect the brainwashed and intimidated Branch Davidians.
Both Federal and State Law Enforcement failed to protect the women and children who were obviously being held captive to some extent, some children were allowed to leave the Branch Davidian Ranch. Some milk was given to the remaining children during FBI negotiations which broke down prior to the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms taking over and firing incendiaries into the unfinished Ranch referred to as a ‘compound.’ The local sheriff disagreed with the Federal Governments’ handling of this case and like the Ruby Ridge Case, the Honorable USAG Janet Reno was forced to testify before Congress. It was claimed that the Branch Davidians were involved in harboring a methamphetamine laboratory, claims never proven nor believed at the time, appearing to be grasping at straws before a worried Congress and general public.
The Federal Government relied on unconstitutional anti gun laws regarding the Branch Davidian and Ruby Ridge cases. Furthermore, the usual ‘grandfather clause’ of the unconstitutional anti gun legislation used forbidding certain guns bought legally, and mandating these newly outlawed guns be relinquished to the US Government was not the appropriate codified law to rest upon. At the time, the media reported, each of the foregoing US Citizens, Randy Weaver and David Koresh, received One Misdemeanor Indictment Count filed against themselves, setting the stage for Two Acts of Heinous Abuses of Power/Sedition upon US Citizens who chose to protect their Second Amendment Rights To Keep and Bear Arms.
It is for this reason, that the State often shys away from these cases of Constitutional Bill of Rights Mandates. Left wing liberals are always taking away our constitutional right of self-protection, subjecting the US Senate and US Citizenry to their mandatory erroneous interpretation of our US Constitution while Two Obama US Justices Applicants applied for two of the powerful US Supreme Court Justice positions, asserting during US Senate Confirmation Hearings, “The State controls our rights over gun ownership/usage” and “US Citizens have no right of self protection.” Arguments used for over one hundred years to purposely attack the Core of US Constitutional intent/reasoning. These two Female US Supreme Court Justice Applications now confirmed and originally chosen by Barack Obama should be removed for having, used contrary and politically motivated reasoning in their verbal responses to our US Constitution during US Senate Confirmation Hearings.
Between February 28-1993-April 19-1993, while President William Jefferson Clinton micromanaged the Branch Davidian case, two courageous FBI Agents withdrew themselves from the case believing human carnage would ensue and it did. While making no public statements, William Jefferson Clinton withdrew into the privacy of the White House, resulting in a morning raid by the Bureau of ATF/Alcohol Tabaco & Firearms laying seige with a US Military Tank shooting Incendiaries into the Branch Davidian Home before the eyes of the media world, burning it to the ground along with a sure estimate changed from 86 men, women and children to 76 men, women and children. The incinerated remains of most of the bodies of the women and children were found in a half buried bus inside the Branch Davidian Home, where they hid for shelter from the Gun Fight and Incendiaries. It should be noted, David Koresh refused to release all of the women and children before the seige commenced. Shortly thereafter, this writer visited the dessimated Branch Davidian Ranch, leveled to the ground with black ground as remains and wrote an article for the College Newspaper, ‘The Egalitarian’ with a photo of the Branch Davidian showing a hand painted sign on a white sheet, stating, “Rodney King We Understand.” The photo was sold to at the Branch Davidian site by a ghost photographer. That same day, his writer also had the opportunity to speak to a Branch Davidian family member via cell/mobile phone while ATF Agents monitored the entire crowd.
On or about August 21-22-1992, reportedly after the US Marshalls received their Pull Out/Pull Back Orders, Randy Weavers’ wife, Vicki Weaver was shot in the head (between the eyes dying immediately) while holding her baby as she stood in the front doorway of their shack/cabin located in Ruby Ridge Idaho. And their son, Sammy Weaver, the eleven year old son of Randy Weaver (some reports state he was 13 years old) shot and killed a US Marshall, and was himself killed, shot twice, once in the elbow (of his shooting arm) and shot once in the back. At the time, it was asserted, that Sammy Weaver was killed while running back to the shack/cabin for safety at his fathers’ instruction. The front door to the Weaver shack/cabin mysteriously disappeared. This door would have proved how many shots were fired through it and from whence each bullet came. The United States Department of Justice Reports are extremely critical of the Federal Government’s role in the Randy Weaver case noting “It appeared the governments’ intent was to kill Randy Weaver and his friend Kevin Harris and not apprehend them.”
At the time, media reports stated, what brought about the incident was a Failure of Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris to appear at a Court Ordered Hearing, in which Randy Weaver claimed “He never received a Notice to Appear and in response to their failure to appear, US Marshalls and FBI Agents visited the shack/cabin belonging to Randy Weaver and shots were fired (and they lay seige upon the shack/cabin owned by Randy Weaver).” There were discrepancies between who fired the first shot. According to Randy Weaver, “The Federal Government shot at them first.” Randy Weaver successfully sued the United States Government and was only awarded One-Three Million US Dollars.
As is common when stuck between a rock and a hard place, the United States Congress and Media relentlessly kept investigating the Clintons, focusing on other Clinton Scandals in an attempt to remove an unwanted President. By 1996 and beyond, we became more familiar with William Jefferson Clinton’s womanizing (the Jennifer Flowers’ public declaration of her twelve year love affair-the love/stalking of Paula Jones-the Monica Lewinsky-Israeli Moussad connection with taped steamy phone sex), and Hillary Clinton’s attorney case history and connection with the ‘Rose Law Firm’ and the apparent suicide of White House Attorney Vince Foster at a nearby Washington-DC Park. Vince Foster was formerly employed with the Rose Law Firm), and he was good friend of Hillary Rodham Clinton and William Jefferson Clinton.
Getting back to the Clintons, Hillary Clinton moved to Chippaqua New York about November-December 2000 losing the first Senatorial Election to Incumbant Republican Senator Rick Lazio 60% to 20% (in favor of Senator Rick Lazio). However, George W. Bush, the US Congress, and the State of New York et al, allowed Hillary Clinton to command a Second Senatorial Election against Incumbant Republican Senator Rick Lazio whereby fraud ensued and Hillary Clinton apparently won the second Senatorial Election enabling Hillary Rodham-Clinton to control and torment the US Senate swearing her into office until President Elect Barack Obama gave Hillary Clinton the Secretary of State position. However, Hillary Clinton continued to complain that she could not raise the money to pay off her remaining US$20 Million Campaign Debt (because the US Citizenry chose not to support her Seditionary Presidency as is their right) and Hillary Clinton publicly commenced making demands that other Democratic and Republican Candidates pay off/give her the monies to pay off her US$20 Million Campaign Debt. Barack Obama appointed Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State. One year later sometime by 2010, Clinton’s Campaign Debt was no longer reported by the media.
After the Impeachment of President William Jefferson Clinton who sadly remained in office and during the tenure of the esteemed US Attorney General Honorable Janet Reno, the United States Department of Justice still had sound moral strength. And a fine Special Prosecutor was appointed, Prosecutor Fitzgerald-Kennedy, who revoked the Law License of William Jefferson Clinton. Unfortunately, politicians make deals, and the newly elected President George Walker Bush chose the wrong deal. In early 2001, President George W. Bush sent the wrong message, he changed the punishment of William Jefferson Clinton to a five year Suspension of his Law License. And the grateful William Jefferson Clinton made a public statement, “He would someday be able to support his family.” And so William Jefferson Clinton embarked upon his new life, opening up a new office in Bronx-New York, and continuing to devastate our world, with he and wife Hillary Clintons’ Black Ops Technology Seditionary Activities.
National Security Report/Article Continued To 2014:
We the People of the United Sates of America and the World, are now threatened with yet more Black Ops Tech Attacks (in part via Satellite Array and US Military Weaponry such as the ‘Microwave Brainwave Alteration Device’ so reported in March 2011 by George Stephanopolous during a Channel 7/ABC ‘Good Morning America’ segment, and In Early 2013, Channel 17 PBS Documentary showed USA Research University Testing of Morality During White Human Brain exposed to EMS/Electro Magnetic Spectrum Frequencies Resulted in Amoral Decisions/Choices During Testing) as Hillary Rodham Clinton and William Jefferson Clinton try another round of Mass Murderous Sedition against America and the White Christian European Descent Race who must again VOTE OUT Hillary Clinton if we are unable to protect ourselves and keep this Meglomanic Mass Murdering Seditionary Team Of f The Ballot! Since early 2013, USA Media announced the Mean Life Span of Americans has dropped Five (5) years to 73 years for both Men/Women since Barack Obama has taken office! During the Presidency of George W. Bush the Mean Life Span of Americans was 78 for Women and 75 for Men. In Early 2005 Channel 17 Documentary Regarding the various ‘World Life Spans’ reported The Continent of Black Africa’s Mean Life Span for Black African Negro Indigenous Race Members is 21!
End of Article by Silvia Stagg Silvia Stagg A Good Gnome Individual National Security Victim Witness US Presidential Write-In Candidate 2011-2036 End of Article by Silvia Stagg
Silvia Stagg A Good Gnome Individual National Security Victim Witness US Presidential Republican/Independent Write-In Candidate 2011-2036…until we get there!
Other Sources For The Above Article (Dates and Named Persons Used In Article):
– Article – ‘Massacre at Ruby Ridge’ Ruby Ridge – The Justice Report by James Bovard – The Wall Street Journal, June 30-1995, and
– PBS Frontline Waco: The Inside Story Who’s Who Biography: David Koresh – BBC News Report: Koresh and Waco Seige, August 27-1999, by BBC News Online’s Kevin Anderson in Washington
– 2011 World Almanac – Crime- Terrorist Incidents Section
Erroneous Date (February 26-1993) for First WTC Attack
– 1993 World Trade Center Bombing from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
Erroneous Dates for First WTC/World Trade Center Attack by Bomb
– Norman Schwarzkopf, Jr. Persian Gulf War of 1991 – 2001 Wikipedia
– Norman Schwarzkopf, Jr.’s Autobiography written with Peter Petre: ‘It Doesn’t Take a Hero’ A Bantam Book 1992 – Preface Tampa Florida August 1992. See cited television interview with Barbara Walters, March 15-1991. Preface verifies President H. W. Bush as President in Office 1991-1992. See Photo oppossite Page 115 stated by General Schwarzkopf, “As Commander of Central Command, I visited Kuwait in late 1989. Major General al-Sani, chief of staff of the Kuwaiti armed forces, invited me to wear Arab clothing at a dinner party in my honor.” Page 283 States: “From its Inception in 1983, Central Command had been defined as a rapid-deployment force whose wartime mission was to stop the Red Army from seizing oil fields in Iran.” See Photo Oppossite Page 338, with caption: “Photo of General Schwarzkopf at Riyadh Air Base in 1991 with a Patriot Battery just after a Scud Alert. My visits with the troops in the gulf always raised my spirits.” See Photos with captions between pages 338-339, in particular one Photo of General Schwarzkopf, and one with President Herbert Walker Bush at ‘Thanksgiving’ and September 1990, stating: In September 1990, I was relieved to see the armored elements of the 24th Mechanized Infantry Division arrive in Saudi Arabia. Colonel Paul Kern briefed me at his command post in the desert,” and the other Photo (with caption) between pages 338-339, with General Schwarzkopf, stating, “President Bush visited Saudi Arabia at Thanksgiving, and I was able to brief him thoroughly on upcoming operations while flying in Air Force One from Jidda to Dhahran.” And See Photo between pages 338-339 with caption, of “General Schwarzkopf receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President George Herbert Walker Bush on July 3-1991” and between pages 338-339 Photos with captions, (page before foregoing cited Photo with caption), See Photo with caption of “General Schwarzkopf driving through the City of New York in a Ticker Tape Parade” and next photo page, and another Photo of “Secretary Dick Cheney bestowing General Schwarzkopf with the Defenses Distinguished Service Medal on August 9-1991 (caption).”

National Security Alert! Say NO To PAC ‘Priorities USA Action’ and Say NO To Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton’s Mass Murdering Brain Tap and Hillary Rodham Clinton & William Jefferson Clinton’s Mass Murderous Black Ops Tech Criminal History Disallowing Presidential Candidate Silvia Stagg to Rise as President-Vice President NOV 2016-2020-2024…To Disseminate Life Extension-Most Trusted Programs Saving Our Beloved/Endangered White European Descent Race & Lawful Indigenous Minorities worldwide!
Above: Letter From House Rep Frank Wolf To House Speaker John Boehner Re: The Benghazi Embassy Attack under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s jurisdiction and during Barack Obama’s Presidency!
Silvia Stagg For President Updates!
Presidential Planet Management Programs
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April 24-2014 Email To US Congress
April 24-2014
RE: Response To The Russian-Ukraine-USA Crisis
Dear Esteemed Members of Congress:
We as a nation, need to re-examine our government’s motivations, attitudes, behavior and corruption in relation to our beloved White Christian European Descent Race worldwide. Our recent position breaks with our country’s historical position regarding the treatment of Russia. We should not create another Cuban Missile Crisis as did Democratic President John Kennedy.
Our beloved Russian Allies fought against Nazi Germany alongside the United States of America and all our allies against the ‘Axis of Evil’ assisting victory over Adolph Hitler and his Nazi Germany! Followed by the cold war in the 1950-1990’s, Russia and the United States became staunch allies in strategic international affairs of national security importance to the White Christian European Descent Race, especially Russia and the United States regarding nuclear missiles, nuclear materials, and in aerospace we became the closest of friends.
During the Sedition of America, Russia has become one of our Staunchest Allies, helping to ensure my safety along with the US Congress/US Military from Dictator to Dictator in the hopes I, Silvia Stagg, your last good gnome could could rise before the next angry Dictator destroys the planet we are struggling to save!
My Dear Members of Congress, Russia is our strong Friend who should be properly respected and feared. Historically, China threatens to attack the United States of America with nuclear bombs, whenever angered while they destroy the manufacturing base of the United States of America and now Europe! Russia has not done so to date. Additionally, Russia has been keeping our USA Built International Space Station Safe providing Aerospace Flights to USA NASA Astronauts. This USA International Spacestation may Illegally be given to Japan, yet another Minority Founded/Ruled Country who has a history of Nazi Germany Allegiance attacking us at Pearl Harbor-Hawaii and receiving the USA’s counter attack! Are we going to allow the narcissistically enraged Barack Obama to continue to self destruct with USA Black Ops Technology and Nuclear Weaponry and/or Destroy yet another White Christian European Descent Country? Recently, the media reported that Russia won the election for reunion with the Ukraine and the United States under the Black Racist Barack Obama angered by the Russian Victory, now using Anti-Putin Demonstrators to destabilize the Ukraine and Russia relations, and possibly launch Russia into War with the United States by appointing United States Soldiers at the Ukraine Boarder and US Navy Warship in the southern waters of the Ukraine!
Since the President George W. Bush Presidency, Russia has repeatedly voiced her willingness to become an Independent United States Territory as agreed within the World’s Audience regarding the worldwide national security discussions of implementation of the Most Trusted Socioeconomic Infrastructure Programs by the United States of America, George W. Bush Presidency, US Congress, and most world governments. Are we going to keep going against what for so long we have fought for-just to murder more white flesh-hasn’t the USA murdered enough? Our Race is faced with Race Extinction and we have an Insane black ops tech altered Black Racist African Negro Indigenous Race Member in the White House armed to his fangs with Black Ops Technology and Nuclear weapons pointed at everyone except himself! Let us Impeach and Remove Barack Obama, and put our lives back together against peacefully with mutual respect. Sen Rand Paul and Sen Marco Rubio and others are interested in my campaigning with them as the REP/IND Presidency-Vice Presidency, let us go forward into the future to rebuild our lives!
Under Black Racist President Barack Obama, we are suddenly considering war between Russia and the United States when only yesterday we were good friends overall through thick and thin! Shall this be a Third World War? Will this entertain Mr. Barack Obama, as he murders more White Christian European Descent Race Members? He is already getting away with five to twenty five million tortured murders via black ops technology of the White Christian European Descent Race as reported by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. It is time for former President George W. Bush to stop preaching war against Russia, as he has an on/off relationship with our world, he and his father responsible for the two World Trade Center Attacks and ultimate destruction of the World Trade Center both launching the United States into war. Now, his brother, former Floridian Governor Jeb Bush has announced his Presidential Campaign. Most likely, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush is going to Support War with Russia, and No Life Extension like Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton who has a mass murdering brain tap, who has given us the World’s Arab Spring destabilizing the Arab World most likely due to the Obama Mole Network facilitating the mid eastern Domino Effect. Day After Day, I cannot allow our beautiful plans for a beautiful world to be destroyed by another Insane President with no conscience! The White Christian European Descent Race must grow up, and stop murdering itself!
I hope Russian President Vladimir Putin will consider speaking at the United Nations or EEC in Europe. Unfortunately, I suspect, under threat by Barack Obama the Queen of England, and both Prime Ministers of England have given the go ahead to slaughter more White Christian European Descent Race Members by militarily engaging Russia!
Members kindly stop this inhumanity toward the White Christian European Descent Race who has suffered through the torturous murders of Cesar(s), Monarchies, Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, and too many to think of presently. We should be considering Most Favored Nation Trading Status with Russia Not Violence against our White Christian European Descent Race (with Orthodox Catholic Heritage)!
Why does not Secretary John Kerry protest the potential murder of innocent men, women and children and soldiers on both sides, as he did against the War in Vietnam, so angry during protesting, John Kerry threw away his three purple heart medals? Why is John Kerry so committed to War with White Christian European Descent Russia? Is John Kerry Body/Mind Altered via our US Military’s Microwave Brainwave Alteration Device? Secretary of State John Kerry should Resign or be Removed From Office! After all, we never had problems keeping the peace with Russia! Why all of the hurry to prepare for battle with Russia? It appears Dictator Barack Obama wants another game of Russian Roulette in which to entertain himself and everyone serves at his pleasure!
Kindly Stop The War Against The White Christian European Descent Race!
Stop The Violence and War Mongering Against Russia!
Silvia Stagg
Silvia Stagg For President Campaign Committee
America has been waiting a long time for life extension! It was the First Republican Debate on Friday April 27-2007,
when Mitt Romney announced “As President he would disseminate/get out the good gnome.”
The White Christian European Descent Race is Facing Race Extinction! Contact Our US Congress For Life Extension Healings with Age Reversal and Excellent Health For Age!
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington – D.C. 20515
U.S. Senate Washington – D.C. 20515
U.S. Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121
TTY: 202-225-1904
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